Alter Bridge


Ich will Dyers eve!!

The evolution of Mark Tremonti, Scott Phillips and Brian Marshall as artists is marked with the debut of Alter Bridge. After selling 30 million albums worldwide, Creed has called it quits and its members have chosen to pursue new creative directions. Over three albums, Creed achieved countless industry accolades, had two # 1 albums, and played to millions of fans around the world. Guitarist/ songwriter Mark Tremonti states, “After all Creed achieved professionally, I felt that I needed to refocus on the goals that I had personally. One of those goals was to get back to my rock and roll roots. After Creed took a break, band-mate Scott Phillips and I started to jam together again and realized that we both shared the same vision and were surprisingly anxious to get back out there and start doing it again.” The evolution continued when original Creed bassist Brian Marshall, who was not part of Creed’s Weathered album and had been working as a musician/ producer at his home studio, got a call from Tremonti. “When I got the call from Mark I could tell by the tone of his voice that Alter Bridge was something that he was really excited about and I immediately knew that I wanted to be a part of it. He told me, ‘Your bass playing matches the sound more than any other, you’re the guy’, he told me. It’s great to be working with those guys again, we haven’t skipped a beat,” Marshall notes.

In addition to Tremonti, Phillips and Marshall is Myles Kennedy. Myles, formerly of the Mayfield Four, was recruited to be the band’s singer. Tremonti’s search for a vocalist had begun in late 2003. “We didn’t have a timetable and we were prepared to take as much time as needed to search the world for the best available rock and roll vocalist when we remembered Myles from the Mayfield Four who had opened for Creed in 1998,” Tremonti recalls. “We called him and asked him to lay down vocals on a couple of tracks we were working on. None of us could recall hearing someone with his voice or passion – as soon as we heard what he did we knew he was the guy. Then he came down to rehearse with us in Orlando and he was one of the nicest and most humble people we had ever met; everything just clicked with all four of us. As we were running through the songs, the future fell into place before our eyes.”

The shared vision of the band seemed to coincide with a concept from Tremonti’s youth, and the name ‘Alter Bridge’ was born. The name comes from a long-standing bridge near Tremonti’s childhood home in Detroit, which was often regarded as a boundary to the children in surrounding neighborhoods; beyond it was uncharted territory. The small bridge epitomized “choice” and “the unknown” for Tremonti. While there remains a sense of familiarity amongst he, Phillips and Marshall, there is a natural level of excitement that is evoked from what is new, and ultimately unknown, about the future– they are truly starting a new chapter in their lives. Tremonti notes, “It’s a new road ahead of us, but the essence of this band is organic and honest rock n’ roll. The music is driven by melody and instrumentation. It is all about fun, and if it weren’t, I doubt any of us would be committed to the new band to the level that we are.”

As a way of indoctrinating Myles into the fold, the three chose an interesting initiation rite –they all went bungee jumping over a ledge from a 300-foot drop. As Phillips mentions, “This is representative of what is going on with the new band. Everything is a lot of fun for us.” Tremonti adds, “The three of us have always been great friends, so it was important to find somebody who could fit in and who we would be comfortable with. There is no doubt that Myles is that guy.”

On joining the fold, Kennedy mentions, “When the call came in from Mark, I was working on a solo record in Spokane, Washington and I didn’t expect to ever be a part of another rock band. Now that I am here, these guys are the antithesis of the prototypical rock stars, and the setting has made me feel more empowered than ever before.” Prior to joining Alter Bridge, Myles had been signed to Epic Records and released two albums with the Mayfield Four. Kennedy explains, “The experience was incredibly significant in preparing me for this opportunity, and I learned a tremendous amount.”

Alter Bridge’s debut album One Day Remains (Wind-up) was produced by Ben Grosse (Filter, Fuel, Sevendust). When asked about the choice Phillips mentions, “Personally, I have always been a big fan of his.” Tremonti weighs in, “I spoke to John Connolly from Sevendust and his thoughts combined with the sound of the Filter record were enough for me.” The selection is a perfect choice considering the fact that according to Kennedy, “The music we are creating covers a fairly wide scope and crosses a lot of boundaries – there are elements of modern rock, soul, and aggressive metal all incorporated into the mix.” Tremonti shared, “With this album, we are trying to learn from our past but begin with a different perspective. Ben definitely offered the setting we were looking for, and on a production level, his recordings are sonically huge. On the Filter album, you think every instrument will be drowned out by another in the mix, but he has this knack for making each track stand out without losing any of its sonic power.”

The majority of the songs took root in a small handheld recorder where Tremonti started by recording riffs and melodies. “The first track I started to work on was Shed My Skin - it really digs into events of my past that shape who I am today. From a lyrical perspective, I spent more time on this one than any of the others. All you have to do is listen and you will get a pretty clear picture of where I am coming from.” He continues, “There are a lot of themes on this record that are very personal, for example In Loving Memory is about my mother who recently passed away. In terms of purely personal significance, you cannot get any deeper than that. It is definitely a sad, but uplifting song.”

This band displays a respect for the roots of where rock came from. The lineage for the material ultimately draws its closest connection to the Seventies. As Tremonti mentioned, “Back in the Seventies, there seemed to be a greater focus on great melodies and great musicianship. Melody is the core of everything. It is more important than a vocal, drum fill, or bass line. Melodies run the show, and without them there is nothing.” He went on, “The Seventies can really be defined by one word --- real. From the beginning we have tried to work within the parameters of being true to that quality, while at the same time bringing the sound into the 21st Century. I do believe that the realness comes out in this music purely as a product of us doing this for the fun of it. It begins and ends with the love of the music.” Kennedy offers, “It is so important to begin with a great song. If the song is not there, it will never work. A great, timeless song is what rock n’ roll has always been about. Down to My Last, gave me the chills when I first heard it, and that hasn’t happened to me in a very long time.”

Given the history that Tremonti, Phillips and Marshall have together, there is obviously a natural continuity that still exists between Creed and Alter Bridge, yet there are new and significant dynamics in Alter Bridge’s music that can definitely be pointed to. Most notably, on tracks such as Open Your Eyes and Find The Real, the compositions feature Tremonti singing more harmonies than he has in the past. Also, with Myles there is the additional dynamic of having a second guitarist when the band plays live that definitely makes a significant impact. Tremonti adds, “Myles also brings an amazing vocal approach to the material he is able to deliver with an amazing ease, whether he is hitting the highest of the highs or the lowest of the lows. His natural projection is amazing.” Lastly, the trademark soliloquy guitar intro to the songs that made many of Creed’s tunes so poignant continues to find life within many of the compositions that make up this repertoire, and the guitarist continues to be a purveyor of tasteful guitar lines. The impact of the reunion of Phillips and Marshall is also very evident. Both players emerge as forces in their own right – whether it’s Marshall controlling the groove on Burn it Down, or Phillips delivering a constant rush in Metallingus.

As the quartet awaits the release of their debut, there is, as Marshall points out, “A combined level of excitement and fear in starting over. It definitely does feel, for at least me personally, like the My Own Prison days.” Phillips continued, “The most significant things that we are taking from the Creed experience are the lessons that we learned. From the beginning, we decided that it would be unfair to the fans and ourselves if anyone other than Creed were out there playing Creed songs. We truly believe that the decisions we’ve made for our future are the right ones. After writing and rehearsing the new material, we are confident that we’ve made the right choices.” Tremonti added in summation, “It’s no longer about the past – it’s about the future. This is a new band and a new beginning.”




Ich will Dyers eve!!
absolut, ja. :)
allerdings hätt ich viel lieber creed mal live gesehn.
aber alter bridge sind sehr nahe am alten creed dran.

Tommy Lee

dem kann/muss man leider wohl eine absage erteilen. alter bridge touren
im sommer als headliner der jägermeister-tour in den usa.
quelle: (News vom 02.03.05)

p.s. aber glücklicherweise seh ich sie eh nächsten donnerstag in wien! *gg*


Hast recht Kingpin die alte Band Creed hätte ich auch mal gerne gesehen. Leider sind die auseinander und so ist ja Alter Bridge entstanden. Was du ja weißt. Hoffe das die bald bestätigt werden, das wäre schon mal wieder was gutes.


Schönwetter Camping-Prophet
creed ohne Stimme... naja das Album ist gut, aber an alte Zeiten knüpfen sie ned gerade an.. leider..


weinerliches Seifen-Burli aka Human Spamfilter
@TommyLee: die tour beginnt am 29. märz und hat 22 konzerte, von dem her könnte sich das mit RiP ganz gut ausgehen...btw: hast zuviel geld dass da gehst? kostet ja immerhin 44 euro! zuviel meines erachtens...

@gfc: sie haben zwar die alte stimme verloren, die neue is meines erachtens aber keineswegs schlechter, eher sogar besser, was sich auch auf die musik auswirkt. viel kraftvoller....


PR Paparazzi with four roses
Downtown Ed bei Münchham
Na die würd ich mir auf jeden geben! Mir geht zwar wie gfc die alte stimme ein bisschen ab aber auch die neue find ich nicht schlecht!


Mark Tremonti kann sich finde ich viel besser entfalten als bei Creed.
Man merkt, dass es seine Band ist.
Wär absolut geil!


bin ich ganz froh, dass die nicht kommen.
mein cousin hat creed gesehen und war irre entäuscht. er hat gesagt, dass sies live überhaupt nicht bringen. und da wir so ziemlich den gleichen musikgeschmack haben, bin ich jetzt froh, dass sie nicht kommen ;)

Tommy Lee

cyco schrieb:
@TommyLee: die tour beginnt am 29. märz und hat 22 konzerte, von dem her könnte sich das mit RiP ganz gut ausgehen...btw: hast zuviel geld dass da gehst? kostet ja immerhin 44 euro! zuviel meines erachtens...

@gfc: sie haben zwar die alte stimme verloren, die neue is meines erachtens aber keineswegs schlechter, eher sogar besser, was sich auch auf die musik auswirkt. viel kraftvoller....

@1. o.k. hast recht. theoretisch könnte es sich ausgehen. aber bei dem ausgiebigen touplan (und da sie ja nebenbei noch ein paar gigs als vorband von 3 doors down spielen), kann ich mir es nicht vorstellen, obwohl ich es mir wünschen würde.

@2. die können mir nicht zu viel geld wert sein. leider sind es halt nicht mehr creed: die waren nämlich in den top3 meiner alltime-favourites.

daher ist es pflicht für mich, zumindest 3/4 von creed 1x im leben live
zu sehen. und das neue album ist nicht gerade übel. vor allem von mark
tremonti noch eine spur besser als creed, wobei mir ein wenig die großartigen melodien der creed-songs und das feeling von scott stapp fehlen - aber das war halt mal.

edit( Bitte keine Doppelposts, es gibt ja eine Editierfunktion):
Aber wenn wir beim Thema wären ein anderes Gerücht: 3 Doors Down ?!

Haben das Album neu heraußen, spielen im Frühjahr Gigs in den Staaten und sind dann ja vielleicht im Sommer bei uns.

*edit by cyco: Falls du in Zukunft irgendwelche Gerüchte hast, bitte in die Gerüchteküche damit! ;)


weinerliches Seifen-Burli aka Human Spamfilter
oidi schrieb:
bin ich ganz froh, dass die nicht kommen.
mein cousin hat creed gesehen und war irre entäuscht. er hat gesagt, dass sies live überhaupt nicht bringen. und da wir so ziemlich den gleichen musikgeschmack haben, bin ich jetzt froh, dass sie nicht kommen ;)

kann es sein dass du keine eigene meinung hast?


cyco schrieb:
oidi schrieb:
bin ich ganz froh, dass die nicht kommen.
mein cousin hat creed gesehen und war irre entäuscht. er hat gesagt, dass sies live überhaupt nicht bringen. und da wir so ziemlich den gleichen musikgeschmack haben, bin ich jetzt froh, dass sie nicht kommen ;)

kann es sein dass du keine eigene meinung hast?

creed waren nicht der oberhammer, 2 songs waren mal ständig auf mtv, da wurde ich auf creed aufmerksam. er hat sie in dem jahr bei rip gesehen/oder wars ein anderes festival (?) und mir das berichtet.
desweiteren hat er gesagt, dass korn obergut waren.
das hab ich mir voriges jahr bestätigen lassen, indem ich sie live gesehen haben.
es gab auch leute hier im forum, die meinten, rasmus seien super liveband. was nutzt mir das, wenn ich die band nicht mag. dann wirds mir live auch nie gefallen. hab ich übrigens bei rip dann so mitbekommen, wie ichs erwartet hab.
sie waren scheisse.
du siehst also, ich hab schon ne eigene meinung.
auch zu st. anger von metallica hab ich ne eigene meinung. und die ist: st. anger ist super gelungen, mir fehlen nur einige soli, aber sonst: hut ab.
oder auch zum neuen judas priest album: wahnsinn, finde ich super gut gelungen.
super abstimmung zwischen power und gefühl...
nur mal soviel dazu, ob ich eine eigene meinung hab.
ich darf mir aber trotzdem meinungen anderer leute anhören, die ähnlich denken, wie ich, cyco, oder????