Disco Ensemble



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For more than six years Disco Ensemble have been in the basements and underground-venues, writing songs and playing shows that would have put any band in the limelight to shame. From periods ranging from progressive hardcore to more accessible punk rock, childhood friends Mikko (drums) and Jussi (guitar), bassist Lasse and vocalist Miikka have been Finland%u2019s best kept secret for too long.

In 2003, D-E was picked up by a virile up-and-coming Finnish indie-label Fullsteam Records, and finally D-E%u2019s debut album %u201CViper Ethics%u201D saw the daylight. Recorded in the almost legendary Tonteknik Studios in Umeå, Sweden (Refused, The Hives, Bombshell Rocks, Poison the Well%u2026), the album got instant praise in the Finnish media. With the wind on their back, D-E toured around Finland and Europe with their explosive live-set, and gained a growing fan-base and recognition from crowds and critics alike. With the reputation of the best live-act in Finland, D-E is ready for bigger achievements.

Right now, in the beginning of 2005, with a new album in their back pocket and an ambitious tour-schedule for both Finland and Europe, things seem promising for Disco Ensemble.

Their sophomore album, aptly titled %u201CFirst Aid Kit%u201D, was recorded in Fascination Street Studio in Örebro, Sweden (Millencolin, Katatonia, Soilwork, Lambretta etc.) under producer Jens Bogren%u2019s tight supervision. The result is an astonishing mixture of punk aggressiveness combined with solid songwriting and strong melodies. While D-E%u2019s sound has evolved into a highly unique blend of modern punk-rock, you might hear the echoes of Refused and At the Drive-in, as well as The Cure in the background. In the world of dull mainstream-rock and self-repeating emo-bands, D-E sounds fresh and inspiring. With strong vocals, bold lyrics and flashy retro-synth lines from leadsman Miikka Koivisto as the icing on the cake, Disco Ensemble is too good to be kept as a secret.

Quelle und Copyright Bandinfo: www.discoensemble.com

Homepage: www.discoensemble.com


sind mir von am finnischen freund an der uni empfohlen worden...und ja die lieder auf der hp hören sich schon sehr geil an.....bin dabei....