Guns n'Roses



Gestern gab Tommy ein sehr interessantes Interview mit dem New Yorker Radio Sender Q104.3.
Er sprach über die aktuelle Situation, über das Album, Tour etc. doch lest selber.

Out of the Box:: Allright let me ask the Guns N' Roses question

Tommy Stinson: Pop it out.

Out of the Box:: Tell us where that is now... tell us the name of the album, because I forgot already... it's supposed... is it Chinese...? What's...

Tommy Stinson: The record is going to be called Chinese Democracy, unless something should change in that -- I don't think it will. uhm... and it will hopefully be out this -- early on this year

Out of the Box:: in 2005?

Tommy Stinson: Yeah, and we'll get out and tour behind it and do all the stuff that you do behind a rock record

Out of the Box:: Right

Tommy Stinson: (In inaudible)

Out of the Box:: (laughs) Yeah, hopefully. We love that. Um.. you did a show at the Garden with Guns N' Roses

Tommy Stinson: Yeah

Out of the Box:: About a year or more ago at this point

Tommy Stinson: 2 years ago now

Out of the Box:: 2 years ago.... then the craziness... incident in Philadelphia where the show was cancelled or something, right?

Tommy Stinson: Yeah, there was a there was a problem with the.. with the promoting aspect of that tour... they pulled the plug on it and I can't really go into it

Out of the Box:: Right...

Tommy Stinson: needless to say it wasn't our fault

Out of the Box:: Okay

Tommy Stinson: Wasn't Axl's fault

Out of the Box:: Good

Tommy Stinson: His slate and our slate is clean. He just gets the blame for it because thats where people like to throw the blame - at him

Out of the Box:: So as you're in guns n roses... and when you do that... when you have... you know when you're actually working with him...are you writing with him? Are you just rehearsing and.. the songs with him when he's ready to go into the studio? or?

Tommy Stinson: No. We we all kinda... we kinda all work together. It's a strange process Ive never done before but basically its eight people collaborating on said tidbits of music or you know stuff we work up it can be any number of things.. I think all of us so far have brought in pieces of music that we've worked into the bew record in one form or another and for the most part its a total collaborative effort - him involved and us all involved and kinda mushing stuff around and trying to make songs out of it I think the outcome of that has been extrodinary
like I hadn't - I hadn't done that before with the replacements was all Paul wrote the songs and kinda dictated what we were gonna do and stuff where Axl is more of a inclusive kind of guy and uh --

Out of the Box:: So thats good to know. A lot of people might think otherwise of Axl --

Tommy Stinson: Yeah, yeah -- that's kinda why I wanted to talk about it...

Out of the Box: Because of (inaudible) reputation

Tommy Stinson: ...because people kinda have this whole different thing on him - and its not really up to me to destroy the myth, but -

Out of the Box:: Of course -

Tommy Stinson: But the one myth I can destroy is that - he is very much a collaborator. Pretty much produced this record as far as I'm concerned. And the stuff that is on it - I'm VERY proud of. I think it's amazng

Out of the Box:: Really?

Tommy Stinson: The things I heard before I went on tour were.. were absolutely awesome to me.. so....

Out of the Box:: Where are the.. .are the tracks pretty much done and they're just trying to find a date to release or there're a few more things to do?

Tommy Stinson: The artwork, all those little things like that, getting all the, you know...the particulars, the little bits done...

Out of the Box:: Right

Tommy Stinson: they can actually get a release date and put it out

Out of the Box:: So the music is done?

Tommy Stinson: The music's DONE

Out of the Box:: Oh, okay.

Tommy Stinson: It's BEEN done... for a while

Out of the Box: Wow, we can't wait to hear it. Come by with a few copies will ya? (laughs)

The new album from Tommy Stinson. Village Gorilla Head. Check it out in stores. Tommy playing at Southpaw in Brooklyn this coming Thursday night February 3rd and...

...Tommy its been a pleasure man

Tommy Stinson: Thank you very much

Out of the Box:: Please come back

Tommy Stinson: Thank you.

Out of the Box:: Open invitation. Brand new Tommy Stinson now. 'Something's Wrong' Out of the Box: on Q104.3

ich spar schon fürs gnr konzert!!! ;)


hast meine pm nicht bekommen?
danke vielmals. gib mir noch das ok, dann schick ich sie dir auch die nächsten tage ab ;)

Jonathan Davis

the penguin
Lingen (Ems)
hier mal knapp auf deutsch, was Oidi oben schon geschrieben hat:


Chinese Democracy im April?
Dienstag, 01.02.2005

Langsam mag man es ja gar nicht mehr glauben, dass es dieses Album jemals geben wird. Dennoch gibt es wieder ein Update in Sachen 'Chinese Democracy'. Diesmal von Guns 'n' Roses Bassist Tommy Stinson.

Wie die Guns 'n' Roses Fansite 'Here Today... Gone To Hell!' zu berichten weiß, verriet G 'n' R Basser Tommy Stinson in einem Radiointerview wieder 'brandheiße' Details zum seit Jahren im Orbit herumschwirrenden neuen Guns 'n' Roses Album 'Chinese Democracy'.
'Das Artwork, all diese kleinen Dinge halten es auf. Wenn die Kleinigkeiten erledigt sind, können sie ein Release Date nennen und es herausbringen. Die Musik ist fertig. Sie ist schon seit einer Weile fertig', so Tommy gegenüber dem Radiosender.
Über die abgesagte Gunners Tour im Jahr 2002 wusste Tommy folgendes zu sagen: 'Es gab ein Problem mit der Tour-Promotion [...] Es war nicht unsere Schuld. Sowohl Axl und ich haben eine weiße Weste.'
Joah... neues 'vorläufiges' Release Date von 'Chinese Democracy' ist nun April.


My World
Geb mal wieder meinen Senf dazu ;)
Ein release date gibts bis heute nicht. es wird nur spekuliert z.b. wenn man bei google guns n roses eingibt steht neben der offiziellen seite "Includes news and information on Chinese Democracy expected April 2005"

google selbst nimmt die infos aber auch von anderen seiten, also alles nur spekulation.
so lang uncle axl nicht die vocal parts aufnimmt kommt das teil nicht raus.
problem ist, wenn er den gesang aufgenommen hat, dann ist der song komplett und könnte ja "leaken" und im internet auftauchen, also nimmt er lieber gar keinen gesang auf. saudummer teufelskreis ;)


@jonathan: tommy hat nur gesagt, dass es dieses jahr früh erscheint. april nannte er nie. solang es kein offizielles releasedate gibt, kann es auch nicht verschoben werden ;)


achso, na die werden schon wissen, was sie sagen. immerhin sind ja audioslave auch fix fürn park bestätigt :lol:


Playing with himself
Tommy Stinson of the Replacements and Guns N' Roses goes solo


Tommy Stinson is calling from a van cruising down the freeway, somewhere between Fargo and Minneapolis. It's 2 degrees below zero outside, but inside the heater is crankin' and Stinson is eager to talk: about his first solo album Village Gorilla Head, bass-playing duties with Guns N' Roses, and the state of music in general. The affable musician - who co-founded the legendary Minneapolis-based band the Replacements as a teenager in '79, and later went on to form the highly lauded pop groups Bash & Pop and Perfect in the '90s - was in a good mood after the first show of the tour that will soon bring him to Atlanta.

Creative Loafing: You've been in bands for most of your life, how does it feel to finally have an album out with your name on it?

Stinson: You know, it doesn't feel that much different than any of 'em. I never really set out to make solo records or band records. I just try to make what's in front of me. My influences never change, so I'm always gonna move in a general direction. I'm pretty much etched in stone at this point.

When the Replacements ended, you uprooted, moved to California and started a whole new life doing your own thing.

Yeah, at the end of the 'Mats, I was kinda like, 'OK, so now who am I? What am I? What am I doing?' So I pretty much grew up in California.

Did you find any resistance to your past when you moved from the Minneapolis scene to the L.A. scene in the '90s?

Oh, total and utter. People are always lookin' for the next new thing, even if they are lookin' in the rearview mirror half the time. I definitely came across a lot of adversity there. Probably due to the 'Mats' legacy to some degree, but also just people thinking, 'OK, that was then and that's done. What's today? What's the new hip thing?'

What is the new hip thing, anyway? I don't know of anything.

Yeah, now there is no new hip thing. There hasn't been a rock star in fuckin' 10 years, as far as I can tell. And I'm kinda missin' that pomp and circumstance of the 'rock star.'

Well, you work with an iconic rock star in Gun N' Roses.

Yeah, that's the kinda rock star I'm thinking of. There's Axl Rose, but there's no one else out there. This guy can walk in the middle of a fuckin' cornfield and draw a crowd.

I think a lot of people were surprised when you joined Guns N' Roses.

Yeah, I was surprised, too. But Axl has some good reasons for what he's doing and what we're doin,' and I thought, 'You know, that's a ballsy fuckin' dude, I gotta check this out.'

So what's the status of the Guns project right now?

They're finishing up the mixing right now. Sorting out what songs are going on it and artwork and shit. And hopefully sooner than later, it'll come out. I understand there's probably some European dates booked in the summer. Hopefully, that'll happen and we'll get over there and do it. Once it gets going, it's a lot of fun. There's a lot of fuckin' work involved with getting it going, but once it is going, it's a lot of fun.

What's your take on the state of pop music right now?

I'm just starting to hear bands I like again. There was a while there in the '90s, that I couldn't deal. It was horseshit. Now people are gettin' kinda creative and stepping out of the whole major record company grasp and doing more interesting things and mixin' it up a bit. I didn't hear much of that in the '90s at all

Quelle: -Board

GnR im Sommer in Europa? Schön wärs schon :D


My World
Guns n'roses are looking for a 'middle of the year' release for CD. The Guns n'roses camp at currently looking at 'opportunities' (?) before setting a release date


From a Universal contact overseas

Guns n'roses are looking for a 'middle of the year' release for CD. The Guns n'roses camp at currently looking at 'opportunities' (?) before setting a release date

Moderators read Mods board

Please do not post this rumour elsewhere, as people do moan. Thanks

Jonathan Davis

the penguin
Lingen (Ems)
07.02.2005: GUNS N' ROSES planen Konzerte in Europa

GUNS N'ROSES Basser Tommy Stinson hat in Rahmen eines Interviews in Atlanta verlauten lassen, daß ein paar Shows in Europa in diesem Sommer geplant seien.

Ebenso teilte er mit, daß das neue Album bereits gemixt sei und man nun damit beschäftigt sei die letzte Songauswahl vorzunehmen und ein geeignetes Artwork auszuwählen.

Einen Veröffetnlichungstermin hat er in weiser Voraussicht nicht genannt.

Der dürfte dann wohl so bei 2010 liegen....



Seine Aussage ist eh geil:
Es sind wohl ein paar Gigs im Sommer geplant(d.h. er weiß auch nichts genaues), und ich hoffe, dass wir auch spielen(ohne Worte)


My World
Aus einer Rede von Merck Mercuriadis (GN'Rs Manager):

...The faith, bond and trust built with the people that matter are the secret behind every career artist’s success and it is the reason why everyone in this room hopes that Iron Maiden, Neil Young, Robert Plant, Tom Petty, Black Sabbath with Ozzy, Elton John, The Who, Fleetwood Mac, Eminem, Guns N’ Roses, and Morrissey will tour this summer, because you know the faithful will be there with their bums on seats to be baptized once again....



As an extension of his devotion to music, Mercuriadis is known for his rapport with artists and his fierce protection of their interests. One of Sanctuary's management clients is Guns N' Roses, whom Mercuriadis handles personally. Asked when the band's long-awaited "Chinese Democracy" album will see the light of day, Mercuriadis says, "Axl is one of the most extraordinary artists of all time. When people hear this album, they will realize what [Axl] did in this band, versus what Slash says he did. It will be evident to everyone who the heart, soul and passion of Guns N' Roses is."


dauerdichter Forumskaschper
mir is grad aufgefallen dass des lied "paradise city" von gnr kommt... find ich kuhl ;)
so, des wollt ich nur mal eben loswerden! - ihr dürft weiter machen ;)