Guns N' Fuckin Roses are BACK!


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An open letter from Axl Rose

An open letter to our fans:

Guns N’ Roses regrets to announce that the following concert tour dates have been canceled:

January 10: Sacramento
January 11: Bakersfield
January 13: Reno
January 16: San Diego

Because of the scheduling of these particular shows, valuable time needed by the band and record company for the proper setup and release of the album Chinese Democracy would have been lost. Rather than delay the album yet again, all involved have decided to remove these shows from GN’R’s schedule. We hope our fans understand and we apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused. Tickets may be refunded at point of purchase.

To say the making of this album has been an unbearably long and incomprehensible journey would be an understatement. Overcoming the endless and seemingly insane amount of obstacles faced by all involved, notwithstanding the emotional challenges endured by everyone -- the fans, the band, our road crew and business team -- has at many times seemed like a bad dream in which one wakes up only to find that they are still in the nightmare. Unfortunately, this time it has been played out for over a decade in real life.

The true, ongoing, behind-the-scenes triumphs and casualties are much more complicated than any negative speculation that the media or otherwise has managed to hit upon. For much of the time, various legal issues have arisen, demanding that the best way to deal with these things publicly, quite frankly, was to keep our mouths shut in an attempt to ensure the best outcome -- especially one that wouldn’t jeopardize the band or the album. It’s easy for people to point out how others have handled similar situations or how they would have dealt with these issues themselves if they encountered them in their own lives. But again, without full knowledge of the various dynamics and circumstances involved, these types of comments or commentary are just uninformed, disassociated, generally useless -- and often hindering -- speculation.

When I agreed to do our recent North American tour, I did it with the understanding that my manager, Merck Mercuriadis, and I were in full agreement regarding our strategy and touring plans and, most important, that any and all things needed to release the album by Dec. 26 at the latest were in place. Unfortunately, it turned out that this was not the case, and I regret to say that the album will not be released by the end of the year. Although many things went extremely well and were very exciting, there were, in our opinion, unnecessary and avoidable complications on our tour having to do with the tour routing, scheduling and album and video plans that wreaked havoc on all involved. This was compounded by an overall sense of a lack of respect by management for the band and crew and each individual's particular expertise that has resulted, unfortunately, in the end of both Guns’ and my managerial involvement with Merck Mercuriadis.

In regard to a release date for the album itself, certain minor –- and I do mean minor -- additions, as well as contract negotiations, need to be completed. Barring any unforeseen complications, these things have now been adequately scheduled. The band and I, along with our record company, feel that this record deserves the proper setup and promotion, not the “13 Tuesdays left” and “It may just appear in your record store” approach offered by management. We believe this strategy may have been used as a tool by management to sell this latest tour to the various promoters, and if this was the case, this was obviously unfair to them. The stress of dealing with this situation has been considerable for everyone, including the band, but more important, in our opinion, it was something utterly insane to do to our fans. You have our apologies, and please know we have been laboring over this with management for the entire North American tour.

It takes approximately eight weeks for an album to hit the shelves once it has been turned in to the record company. For whatever reasons, it appears that it may have been mistakenly inferred by management that this time period could be condensed to three weeks. With that being said, this is not a promise, a lie or a guarantee, but we do wish to announce a tentative release date of March 6. This is the first time we have done this publicly for this album. Others have made up all the other dates for their own reasons. We would like to assure the fans that everything in our power will be done to meet this date. Once it is finalized and official, you will be notified. If we are delayed for unseen reasons, you also will be notified as soon as possible in regard to a new date, and the album will be released as shortly thereafter as is possible. We thank you for your patience.

In the end, it’s just an album, but it’s one that I, the band, our record company and all involved believe and feel is a true Guns N’ Roses album. Ultimately the public will decide, and regardless of the outcome, our hearts, lives and our passion has been put into this project every step of the way. If for no other reason, we feel those elements alone merit your consideration. We do hope you can hold on just a bit longer, and if not, please take a break and we’ll be more than glad -- if you so choose -- to see you again later.

Once again, we offer our sincere apologies and our deepest thanks. Guns N’ Roses also would like to thank all the fans who attended the 70 concerts in 21 countries for their support in 2006. All the best to each and every one of you over this holiday season, thank you and God bless.


Axl Rose

Übersetzung: Danke an Ingo von / siehe Thread

Donnerstag, 14. Dezember 2006

Ein offener Brief an unsere Fans

Guns N' Roses bedauern bekanntgeben zu müssen, dass folgenden Konzerte der Tour abgesagt wurden:

10. Januar Sacramento
11. Januar Bakersfield
13. Januar Reno
16. Januar San Diego

Durch die Vorbereitungen zu diesen einzelnen Konzerten wäre wertvolle Zeit verloren gegangen, die die Band und die Plattenfirma zur angemessenen Vorbereitung und für die Veröffentlichung des Albums "Chinese Democracy" benötigt. Anstatt das Album erneut zu verschieben haben alle Beteiligten beschlossen, die Konzerte zu streichen. Wir hoffen, dass unsere Fans dafür Verständnis haben und entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten, die die Absage verursacht. Die Kosten der Konzertkarten werden vom den Verkaufsstellen zurückerstattet.

Zu behaupten, dass die Produktion des Albums eine unerträglich lange und mit nichts zu vergleichende Reise gewesen ist, wäre eine Untertreibung. Die Überwindung der endlos und irrsinnig erscheinende Summe von Hindernissen, die allen Beteiligten gegenüberstanden ungeachtet der emotionalen Herausforderungen die alle - die Fans, die Band, unsere Road-Crew und das Business-Team – ausgehalten haben erschienen oftmals wie ein böser Traum, aus dem man erwacht nur dann um herauszufinden, dass man sich noch immer in einem Alptraum befindet. Unglücklicherweise hat sich dies für über zehn Jahre des Lebens so abgespielt.

Die wahren, anhaltenden Triumphe und Verluste hinter den Kulissen sind viel komplizierter als alle negativen Spekulationen, auf die die Medien oder Sonstige gekommen sind. Für lange Zeit kamen verschiedene rechtliche Gründe auf. Um die bestmöglichen Ergebnisse zu erreichen, besonders Ergebnisse, die die Band und das Album nicht gefährdeten, war es ehrlch gesagt notwendig über diese Dinge die Klappe zu halten. Es ist einfach für Leute zu sagen, wie Andere ähnliche Situationen gehandhabt haben oder wie sie mit diesen Problemen umgegangen wären, wenn sie in ihrem Leben davon betroffen gewesen wären. Aber nochmals: Ohne volle Kenntnis der unterschiedlichen Kräftespiele und der beteiligten Umstände sind solche Stellungnahmen und Kommentare unwissende, überhaupt unnütze und oft hinderliche Spelulationen.

Als ich der aktuellen Nordamerika-Tour zugestimmt habe tat ich dies mit der Meinung, dass mein Manager Merck Mercuriadis und ich betreffend unserer Strategie und Pläne für die Tour voll übereinstimmen und alle notwendigen Dinge, um das Album am 26. Dezember zu veröffentlichen, arrangiert sind. Unglücklicherweise stellte sich heraus, dass dies nicht der Fall war und ich bedauere sagen zu müssen, dass das Album nicht mehr in diesem Jahr veröffenticht werden kann. Dennoch liefen viele Dinge sehr gut und waren sehr aufregend. Es gab unserer Meinung nach unnötige und vermeidbare Komplikationen während unserer Tour die das Tour-Routing, Terminplanung und Album- und Videoplanungen betrafen und Chaos bei allen Beteiligten auslösten. Dies war verbunden mit allgemein mangelder Achtung des Managements für die Band und die Crew und dem Fachwissen jedes Einzelnen. All dies führte unglücklicherweise zu einem Ende der Geschäftsbeziehungen zwischen sowohl Guns N' Roses und mir und Merck Mercuriadis.

Im Bezug eines Veröffentlichungstermins für das Album müssen noch einige geringfügige, und ich meine geringfügige, Ergänzungen und Vertragsverhandlungen vervollständigt werden. Abgesehen von unvorhersehbaren Schwierigkeiten wurden diese Angelegenheiten jetzt angemessen geplant. Die Band und ich sowie die Plattenfirma sind der Meinung, dass das Album angemessene Vorbereitung und Promotion verdient und keine "Es sind noch 13 Dienstage"- oder "Es könnte plötzlich in den Läden stehen"-Vorgehensweise, die durch das Management angeboten wurde. Wir glauben, dass diese Straegie als Werkzeug dazu verwendet worden sein könnte, die aktuelle Tour bei verschiedenen Promotern zu verkaufen. Wenn das tatsächlich der Fall sein sollte, dann war das offensichtlich nicht fair. Der Stress, mit dieser Situation umgehen zu müssen, war für Alle, einschließlich der Band, erheblich und noch wichtiger ist, dass es unserer Meinung nach völlig wahnsinng war, das unseren Fans zuzumuten. Wir bitten dafür um Entschuldigung und möchten Euch wissen lassen, dass wir uns darüber mit dem Management seit der gesamten Nord-Amerika-Tour herumgeplagt haben.

Nachdem das Album der Plattenfirma übergeben wurde, dauert es ungefähr acht Wochen, bis das Album in den Läden steht. Aus unerklärlichen Gründen scheint es, dass das Management itrrtümlicherweiseangenommen hat, dass diese Zeitspanne auf 3 Wochen verkürzt werden könne. Abschließend hoffen wir, das ist kein Versprechen oder eine Lüge oder eine Garantie, mit dem 6. März 2007 den vorläufigen Veröffentlichungstermin akündigen zu können. Das ist das erste Mal, dass wir dies für dieses Album öffentlich machen. Alle anderen Termine wurden von Anderen aus nur ihnen bekannten Gründen erfunden. Wir möchten den Fans versichern, dass wir alles in unserer Macht stehende tun werden, um diesen Termin zu halten. Nachdem alles zum Abschluss gebracht ist und offiziell ist, werden wir Euch informieren. Wenn wir uns aus unvorhersehbaren Gründen verspäten sollten, werden wir Euch so früh wie möglich hinsichtlich eines neuen Veröffetnlichungstermins informieren. Das Album wird dann kurz darauf sowie es möglich ist veröffentlicht. Wir bedanken uns für Eure Geduld.

Letzendlich ist es nur ein Album. Aber es ist ein Album von dem ich, die Band und die Plattenfirma und alle Beteiligten glauben und spüren, dass es ein echtes Guns N' Roses Album ist. Letztendlich wird die Öffentlichkeit entscheiden. Uungeachtet dem Ergebnis, haben wir unsere Herzen, unsere Leben und unsere Leidenschaft in dieses Projekt und jeden Schritt des Wegs gesteckt. Auch wenn nichts änderes zählt denken wir, dass alleine schon diese Punkte eine Überlegung wert sind.

Wiedereinmal bitten wir Euch ernsthaft um Entschuldigung und drücken unsere tiefste Dankbarkeit aus. Guns N' Roses möchten sich bei all den Fans auf den 70 Konzerten in 21 Ländern für Ihre Unterstützung in 2006 bedanken. Wir wünschen jedem Einzelnen alle Gute für die Feiertage und Gottes Segen!


Axl Rose


Statement von GnR's ehemaligem Manager Merck Mercuriadis:

An Open Letter To Guns N' Roses Fans From Merck Mercuriadis

Along with all of the other Guns N' Roses fans around the world I read "An Open Letter To The Fans From Axl" this evening with much interest. About half way through it occurred to me that I had read much of this before. In fact, I had written the blueprint for it in an email for Axl's attention two days ago which I have copied below.

The reality is all of this year's touring was planned and agreed between Axl and myself, with a view to the album being in the stores before the 31st of December '06. This was confirmed by Axl in numerous interviews - most famously at the MTV Video Music Awards. We planned the tour in February, just after Axl's birthday and we were supposed to finish the album in May, before it started. We sent our engineers to New York, where we all waited, for over a month, for the muse to come but she never arrived. We then scheduled sessions in London in August and had our engineers meet us there at the end of the English tour. August came and went and once again the muse did not show. We postponed our proposed radio date of Labour Day for the first single and we came back to LA and tried to finish before the San Francisco, Las Vegas and Los Angeles shows but yet again she eluded us. Axl then asked me to postpone the North American tour which was due to start on 24th of September by a month and finally, early in that period after the euphoria of Inland Invasion, Axl made a break through and got two or three very productive days under his belt.

At this point we were very excited as Axl's feeling was that we had two or three days of work left to tidy things up and we still had three weeks before the tour started, so we were in good shape. Unfortunately the muse disappeared just as fast as she came and the tour started with no single at radio to support it and the album still needing two or three days of work. Despite this, it was a break through period as Robin, Bumblefoot and Frank had all made important contributions to the album that made it even stronger. By the way none of the above is meant as a criticism of Axl. It is the reality of trying to create something special under incredible pressure from the public - that wants and DEMANDS the record - and the record industry - that NEEDS it. The creative process is not something you can dictate and Axl is a true artist.

At this time I seriously considered postponing the start of the tour, again, as the album was of paramount importance but the reality was that our historic track record left us with very little good will with you, the fans, and we needed the money to be able to complete the album and keep the band alive. We scheduled sessions in New York and once again sent the engineers there for the first two weeks of November while the tour was based there - but the hectic touring schedule meant nothing got done. The record company refused to conclude the renegotiation until we were ready to hand over the finished album and refused to prepare a marketing campaign or commission video treatments until they had it in their hands. This is still their position as of this week.

At this point despite the success of many of the dates on the tour the pressure on all of us became unbearable. While some of Axl's letter is disappointing - As John Lennon once asked Paul McCartney "How Do You Sleep?" - until you have walked a mile in his shoes you cannot begin to comprehend the pressure he is under. I know I sleep well at night in the knowledge that when Chinese Democracy hits the streets in March that it is in large part down to my efforts over the last almost 5 years. I found the money and the motivation to keep Axl and the band alive and get the record made when everyone else had given up and walked away. We worked as a team united to make Chinese Democracy a reality. In the end the album will speak for itself but our relationship could not survive the pressure.

I have no regrets. I believe Chinese Democracy is one of the best albums ever made, Axl Rose is one of the greatest vocalists and front men and the new Guns N' Roses (which kicks the shit out of the old) is one of the greatest bands. What we accomplished in 2006 only hints at what is to come.

I believe in Axl Rose. I am the artist's manager and it is my responsibility and job to take the heat. I promise you Chinese Democracy is worth it and you should keep the faith. I will walk away knowing I have done my best and that next year will see Axl recognized not only as a great singer and rock icon but as one of the greatest artists of all time.

Merry Christmas and all the best to you for 2007!

Merck Mercuriadis

PS I apologize to all the fans irked by my facetious comments regarding the release date to Rolling Stone magazine. They were meant to poke fun at a magazine that had announced a definitive release date, causing us all lots of grief, when none had been set. Unfortunately many of you took them to heart and for that I am sorry.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Merck Mercuriadis
Date: 12 December 2006 14:11:02 GMT-08:00
Subject: Album Press Release

Regardless of the issues that exist between Axl and myself I believe it is important for an announcement on the album to be put out this week and at the same time cover the cancellation of the 5 shows in January. Further to this I have thought about the album release date taking into account the issues between Axl and myself and my view is that the album should be set for release on the 20th of March rather than the 6th of February. March 20th is the first day of Spring and a positive day. This allows for three months to set it up properly around the world without unmanageable pressure and for it to be well imbedded in the market place before the summer lull sets in. It also allows for the deal to be done with the label and any change in Management etc which may be made to be made as well as detailed meetings on the touring which on this basis would start in Dubai just before the album's release. The note will be most effective if it comes from Axl as he will then be seen as the good guy who is giving people the information they want. Having said that it could come from either Howard or myself or both of us. I have presented two options the first not giving a release date and the second one stating it. The message would be posted as the lead story on and we would then point all of the media there. I would appreciate it if you would all let me know your thoughts on all of this keeping in mind that this is a work in progress.

Option 1

Merry Christmas To You All

We are into the last week of the tour and Christmas is almost here so I wanted to take the time not only to wish you Merry Christmas but to also explain why CHINESE DEMOCRACY is not under your tree or in the stores as we wanted it would be. We read the papers and we know you want - demand! - news. We have been in the final stages of renegotiating our deal with our record label and it has been a long slow process - not unlike making the record! The discussion started over a year ago but did not become serious until they started hearing the mixes. Everyone involved has worked hard to get the deal completed so we could get the record out this month but a few weeks ago it became obvious that was not going to happen. We then held out as we wanted to at least be able to give you the release date before Christmas but unfortunately we are still not there yet. This is not meant to spark a hate campaign on the label. This is an unusual and complicated situation as we have worked a long time on this album and it is important to us to make sure that everything including the deal is right. At the same time it is a business that has to work for everyone involved. We have all - you included - waited a long time for this and this is not the time to compromise. The first news you will hear from us in 2007 will be to announce the album's release date. Without the album out it does not make sense to do the 5 shows we have scheduled for January in isolation so they are being cancelled and we will focus on getting the album out. Until that time we want to thank you for all of your support in 2006 and wish you all the best for the holidays and a happy new year.

W. Axl Rose

Option 2

Merry Christmas To You All

We are into the last week of the tour and Christmas is almost here so I wanted to take the time not only to wish you Merry Christmas but to also explain why CHINESE DEMOCRACY is not under your tree or in the stores as we wanted it to be. We read the papers and we know you want - demand! - news. We have been in the final stages of renegotiating our deal with our record label and it has been a long slow process - not unlike making the record! The discussion started over a year ago but did not become serious until they started hearing the mixes. Everyone involved has worked hard to get the deal completed so we could get the record out this month but a few weeks ago it became obvious that was not going to happen. We have all - you included - waited a long time for this and this was not the time to compromise. We then held out on making an announcement as we wanted to at least be able to give you the release date before Christmas so here it is. Chinese Democracy will be released on the 20th of March in the US and Canada - the first day of Spring and a time for new beginnings! - and on the 19th of March everywhere else in the world. Without the album out it does not make sense to do the 5 shows we have scheduled for January in isolation so they are being cancelled and we will focus on getting the album out. We want to thank you for all of your support in 2006 and wish you all the best for the holidays and a happy new year. We look forward to seeing you in 2007!

W. Axl Rose


---> Doch noch recht versöhnlicher Abschluss für dieses Jahr.
---> Ungewissheit, wer GnR nun managt / managen wird.
---> Das erste vorläufige und offizielle Release Date: 06.03.2007!


Naja, das Album wird schon seit 50 Jahren angekündigt und immer wieder verschoben. Aber die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt. :mrgreen:


Zu Gast bei Freunden
Ostwig (Sauerland/NRW)
Keer, ich quäle mich im gnr Forum durch das englische Zeugs, dabei isses shcon übersetzt worden hehe...also da dies ja eig., wie Axl selbst sagt, das erste von der Band bekannt gegebene Release Datum ist, glaube ich shcon das es diesmal sitmmt...das wird was :)


GnR werden in Südafrika das Festival "My Coke Fest 2007" headlinen.
Nach Metallica also die nächste große Rockband die dieses Land besucht.

Vielleicht ein Grund, da dieses Jahr nochmal hinzufliegen, hat mich letztes Jahr schon sehr beeindruckt dieses Land :)

Diane Coetzer, Johannesburg

Guns N' Roses will play their first-ever African shows when they headline My Coke Fest 2007. The rock group tops a bill that so far includes Evanescence and Hoobastank at Johannesburg's New Market Racecourse on April 27 and Cape Town's Kenilworth Racecourse on May 1.

My Coke Fest 2007 follows on the heels of 2006's Coca-Cola Collab Massive Mix, which saw Metallica play in the country for the first time, along with Simple Plan, Collective Soul, Seether and others.

Seether's Sean Morgan has frequently visited the country with ex-girlfriend Amy Lee, but the Evanescence frontwoman will be performing with her band for the first time at the events.

As previously reported, Guns N' Roses' new album, "Chinese Democracy," is tentatively due March 6 via Interscope, but no news has been heard about the project since Axl Rose's lengthy Internet posting announcing the date in December.


naja, wenn das album dieses jahr nicht rauskommt, wirds eng ;)
entweder aus für die band oder album.
anders kann ich mir das nicht vorstellen: europa und amerika sind abgeklappert, südamerika/asien und afrika werden sich auch nicht ewig vertrösten lassen.

Gelöschte Mitglieder 9424

irgendwo im ringrocker gelesen: laut einer britischen plattenfirma ist releasedate der 17. september. überraschen würds mich ja nicht.


Zu Gast bei Freunden
Ostwig (Sauerland/NRW)
das wäre ja dann (leider) der nächste große Witz....Axl hat ja verlauten lassen, das er den 6.März als Termin anvisiert. Das wird wohl nichts werden, aber bis zum 17 September kann es nun wirklich nicht mehr wurden ja sogar extra die januar konzerte abgesagt damits nu endlich fertig wird


das kann nur ein schlechter witz sein.
wenn die platte fertig ist, dauert es max. 2 monate, bis sie zum verkauf bereit stehen kann.
das heisst auf gut deutsch, dass die platte noch nicht fertig ist, wenn der 17. september releasedate sein soll.
und warum soll man ein releasedate veröffentlichen, wenn die platte noch nicht fertig ist? ;)